Convergint Oceania strives to foster a supportive, accessible, and inclusive environment, recognising the importance of diversity in the workforce to reach Convergint’s goal of being its customers’ best service provider. To continue achieving and supporting Convergint’s Inclusion & Diversity initiative, Convergint Oceania is proud to renew its status as the AWSN Silver Corporate Partner.

The AWSN is a not-for-profit association focused on increasing the number of women in the security community. It aims to connect women already in the industry and to equip those looking to enter the field with the tools, knowledge, network, and platforms needed to build confidence and interest.

“I am proud that as a business we are collectively supportive of and value diversity and equality of all colleagues. We have a strong culture that enables personal and professional growth and while there remains work to be done in advancing gender equality, our unwavering dedication to this cause is evident. Through our sponsorship, our colleagues will be able to access a range of programs and opportunities through mentoring, development programs and scholarships, networking, and events.”

~Dean Monaghan, Managing Director, Convergint Oceania

To further the mission of making “Convergint the most equitable and inclusive global service provider for women of all identities and backgrounds”, the organisation’s internal initiative of Convergint Women Connect was created. This affinity group aims to inspire women, support them, and develop their leadership mentality. The group also offers Convergint the opportunity to become a stronger company through the benefits gained by developing and leveraging the power of Convergint’s female colleagues in the security community. It aims to connect women already in the industry and to equip those looking to enter the field with the tools, knowledge, network, and platforms needed to build confidence and interest.

Discover Convergint Women Connect

Convergint’s own commitment to advancing women within the company and the larger security industry is supported by Convergint Women Connect (CWC), a group that operates with the mission of making Convergint the most equitable and inclusive global service provider for women of all identities and backgrounds. Learn more about CWC’s mission to evolve the company’s culture through advocacy, education, community, and visibility.

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