19 09, 2023

Enhancing Campus Security: The Power of CCTV and Remote Monitoring in Higher Education Institutions

September 19, 2023|

Higher education campuses are dynamic environments where thousands of students and faculty members congregate daily. This bustling atmosphere necessitates robust security measures to protect against various threats, including vandalism, theft, unauthorized access, and more. CCTV and remote monitoring systems have emerged as indispensable tools for enhancing campus security. Convergint Ireland, a leading expert in

8 09, 2023

Empowering Security Through Convergint and SelectaDNA Expert Installation

September 8, 2023|

The rapidly evolving landscape of security threats demands innovative solutions that can effectively deter crime and aid in asset recovery. In response to this challenge, the strategic partnership between Convergint and SelectaDNA brings together cutting-edge technology and expert installation services. SelectaDNA Spray is a state-of-the-art security solution designed to protect valuable assets, premises, and

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