Convergint and Cisco Meraki joined forces at The Security Event on Wednesday, 1st May, unveiling advanced security solutions designed to elevate safety and operational efficiency. Demonstrations featured cutting-edge capabilities such as heat mapping and live footage analytics, offering a dynamic showcase of how these technologies adeptly tracked movement for optimised security. The collaboration delved into the comparison of cloud and on-premises solutions, emphasising storage and intelligence at the edge, accompanied by advanced analytics. Cisco Meraki showcased a streamlined architecture that not only reduced complexity but also delivered cost savings, significantly enhancing the value of security systems. Discussions explored metrics, emphasising how Cisco Meraki’s solutions contributed to cost reduction and sustainability. The emphasis on intelligence highlighted how Cisco Meraki seamlessly integrated data to provide valuable business insights. Attendees could expect detailed discussions on people counting, unique attribute search, and innovative strategies to fortify security measures.

Highlights from TSE

About Cisco Meraki

At Cisco Meraki, we create intuitive technologies to optimize IT experiences, secure locations, and seamlessly connect people, places, and things. Founded in 2006, and acquired by Cisco in 2012, Meraki has grown to become an IT industry leader, with over 650,000 customers and 10 million network devices online around the world. Our cloud-based platform brings together data-powered products including, wireless, switching, security and SD-WAN, smart cameras, and sensors, open APIs and a broad partner ecosystem, and cloud-first operations.

A global leader in systems integration

Convergint is a global, service-based systems integrator focused on mission-critical security, fire, and life safety infrastructure. Convergint offers last-mile delivery for emerging technology, backed by a 20-year commitment to its core value of service. To learn more, contact Convergint UK’s team of specialists today.