In the pharmaceutical industry, adherence to regulations is an absolute necessity. Leveraging decades of expertise and a strong leadership position, Convergint UK firmly establishes itself as a top player in the specialised pharmaceutical market. Convergint UK’s dedicated team excels in upholding rigorous standards, including ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, and ISO 27001.

Convergint skillfully manages the intricate aspects of tracking and storage requirements, traffic flow intricacies, and site-specific considerations. These competencies enable Convergint UK to design customised, optimised layouts while unwaveringly maintaining strict compliance standards.

Convergint solutions

A global leader in systems integration

Convergint is a global, service-based systems integrator focused on mission-critical security, fire, and life safety infrastructure. Convergint offers last-mile delivery for emerging technology, backed by a 20-year commitment to its core value of service. To learn more, contact Convergint UK’s team of specialists today.