Police departments across the nation are under immense pressure to keep crime rates low, despite dwindling budgets and reductions in staffing. At the same time, businesses need to keep operations afloat without the worry of being targeted by criminal activity or dealing with its consequences.

While law enforcement agencies have the technology to quickly respond to incidents when they occur, businesses can do more in equipping law enforcement with valuable knowledge that would help them solve crimes and fill gaps in investigations. After all, no one knows more about a specific neighborhood than the people who live and work there.

By extending knowledge beyond each of their respective silos, officers can more effectively allocate resources, reduce investigation cycles, and build trust and transparency in the community. Simultaneously, business owners can focus on successfully running their businesses, resting assured that local law enforcement will be able to more quickly and intelligently respond to any potential incidents, mitigating risk and losses due to crime. 

To Build A Safe City: Partner With The Community

Enforcing a safer community is a top goal for law enforcement agencies who are frequently operating on limited resources. As a result, the majority of an officer’s time is often spent on responding to calls rather than focusing on proactive policing and developing transparent, trusting, and mutually beneficial community relationships. By sharing technology and resources, business owners and law enforcement can maximize public safety.

To Invest In The Future: Safeguard Businesses 

Protecting property, businesses, and the community with technology gives law enforcement and other public safety officials better visibility into what is happening in the area.

Business owners are challenged with successfully managing operations, while ensuring property and assets are carefully safeguarded. At the same time, law enforcement, fire service, and emergency management personnel struggle with accessing accurate and timely information on public safety or property crime related events. Most current security protocols assist responding agencies with information after an incident has occurred. By that point, the damage may have been done, the criminal may have fled the scene, and any evidence may have been lost.

Connect with local law enforcement and benefit from a hassle-free security solution, faster response to incidents, reduced risk, and losses to crime, and a direct impact on community safety.

It’s necessary to bridge the gap between law enforcement and staff, fire services, emergency management, and businesses and benefit from more proactive and informed public safety responses to criminal activity or other events before they become bigger threats. Businesses can reach out to local law enforcement agency and inquire about their current camera sharing program options.

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