Security and regulatory compliance have become paramount concerns for government and industry alike. Military installations, pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors, healthcare facilities, data centers, retail establishments, and residential property management firms are all well versed in the importance of adequate protection for sensitive inventory and assets. As a result, wire cages are widely adopted as part of physical security planning. While some entities are prompted to action by insurance and legal requirements, others must abide by government mandates.

Convergint provides customizable wire cage solutions that combines security and compliance to meet the highest standards and meet customer needs. Convergint wire cages are specifically crafted to optimize storage while offering unparalleled protection for valuable assets, sensitive materials, and hazardous items.

Key features of Convergint’s wire cages

Versatility for various applications

Convergint wire cages are designed to serve a multitude of purposes, making them a versatile solution for different industries:

Compliance and peace of mind

For pharmaceutical manufacturers, distributors, and other industries dealing with sensitive materials, compliance with industry standards is non-negotiable. Convergint wire cages are designed to meet the stringent requirements set forth by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the United States Postal Service (USPS).

  1. DEA Specification 21 CFR 130.172: For pharmaceuticals classified under Schedule III-V, Convergint wire cages ensure compliance with the DEA’s specifications, providing the necessary security measures for controlled substances.
  2. USPS Specification 10605: Convergint’s cages also meet the USPS’s rigorous standard, ensuring government facilities can confidently secure their assets and sensitive mail.

Contact us

With Convergint wire cages, organizations can achieve the highest levels of security, compliance, and control for inventory and assets. Convergint’s customizable wire cage solutions are tailored to suit specific needs, providing peace of mind for security and compliance decision-makers across various industries. Reach out today to find out how Convergint can elevate your security infrastructure to a new level of excellence.