25 09, 2019

What To Do About Outdated Access Control

September 25, 2019|

Access control for both physical and cyber systems are critical, but many organizations rely on outdated technology and communication protocols. These can leave them exposed to data breaches, potential theft of intellectual property, and compliance violations. The problem goes beyond outdated credentials. Physical access control systems(PACS) are made up of card readers that communicate

4 09, 2019

HID Global Access Control for University Environments

September 4, 2019|

Higher education campuses are rapidly-evolving to keep up with the technological demands of the next generation. Mobile access is transforming campuses, making life easier for students, but posing threats for security. HID Global and Convergint Technologies collaborate to provide secure access to digital and physical places around the world. With

4 06, 2019

Campus Security: Mitigating Threats With OSDP

June 4, 2019|

With increasing security threats and shrinking budgets, higher education campuses are faced with many challenges to keep their campuses safe. At this time, each school has its own set of unique requirements and security challenges, which require a flexible architecture system to satisfy demands and provide the foundation to meet future needs. Unfortunately, many

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