Convergint has an overstock of MIFARE Classic 4k cards, and we’re selling them at a huge discount. Convergint bought these in bulk and experienced supply chain issues, so now we want to offer them to you! This is your chance to get high-quality cards for a fraction of the normal price.

The MIFARE Classic 4K cards’ dual credential feature is a significant advantage, particularly for organizations looking to transition from older proximity cards to newer, more secure cards. This dual credential feature means that the cards contain both a 35-bit Corporate 1000 badge format, which is compatible with older proximity card readers, and a MIFARE Classic 4K chip, which is compatible with newer, more secure card readers. This versatility allows organizations to transition at their own pace, without the need for a large upfront investment in new card readers. Organizations can continue to use their existing proximity card readers while gradually introducing new card readers that are compatible with the MIFARE chip.

Don’t miss out on this one-of-a-kind opportunity to save on access control cards. Discover the card technology, use cases, and benefits below.

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