In an era where security threats to utilities are increasingly diverse and sophisticated, the need for a robust defense strategy cannot be overstated. With the vital role that utilities play in daily life, ensuring the safety and integrity of infrastructure such as wastewater treatment plants and pump stations is paramount.

Understanding the threat landscape

Convergint recognizes that a one-size-fits-all approach to security is inadequate in today’s dynamic environment. Therefore, Convergint leverages the American Water Works Association (AWWA) standards to assess the specific needs of each client comprehensively. By starting an evaluation at the perimeter and working inwards towards an organizations most valuable assets, Convergint will identify not only the unique threats faced by individual wastewater treatment facilities and pump stations but also lay the groundwork for a customized defense strategy at those sites.

Defense in depth: The key to resilience

Convergint’s approach to security revolves around the concept of defense in depth, which involves deploying multiple layers of security measures to deter, detect, delay, and respond to threats effectively.

  • Deterrence: This aspect encompasses security measures aimed at discouraging potential threats. It includes elements such as proper lighting, the presence of video surveillance devices, and maintaining a visibly clear facility free of obstructions or unauthorized activity.

  • Detection: Detection involves security measures such as intrusion detection devices and surveillance cameras, enabling electronic assessment of alarms and video footage to identify potential security breaches promptly.

  • Delay: Delay tactics typically involve the implementation of physical barriers in multiple layers, strategically designed to provide defense in depth. However, their effectiveness relies on being complemented by layers of detection, ensuring timely response to detected threats.

  • Response: Response refers to the actions taken to disrupt an adversary’s activities until appropriate personnel, whether staff, security, or law enforcement, can intervene effectively. It’s essential that the capabilities of responders surpass the perceived threat to the facility, ensuring an effective and swift response to security incidents.

Addressing threats

Convergint’s approach also takes into account the various types of threats that utilities may encounter:

  • Vandal: Vandals are individuals with the intent to deface, damage, or destroy property. They typically seek targets of opportunity and do not intend to injure or kill. Vandals are assumed to be unarmed.

  • Criminal: Criminals aim to obtain equipment, tools, or other components that can be resold for profit. They may be willing to injure or kill to achieve their objectives.

  • Saboteur: Saboteurs are often motivated by political, doctrinal, or religious beliefs. They may be willing to injure or kill and are intent on damaging or destroying facilities. Their actions may also aim to undermine public confidence in the utility’s ability to serve and protect the public.

  • Insider: Insiders are individuals with knowledge of the utility and access to its facilities or portions of the system as part of their daily work activity. This category may include potentially disgruntled employees or contractors with employee-level access. Insiders may collaborate with criminals or saboteurs and their objectives could involve physical or information theft.

Contact us

By embracing the concept of defense in depth and tailoring solutions to individual client needs, Convergint not only enhances security but also fosters confidence in the resilience of essential utilities. To learn more about how the Convergint utilities team can meet organization’s specific needs and enhance security infrastructure, contact an expert today.