The aerospace and defense market encompasses a wide range of sectors, each providing an extensive array of products and services to both commercial and government customers. The core areas of focus for customers in this industry include material science, intelligence, classified data transfer and storage, and military platforms. All these sectors and programs collectively play a crucial role in bolstering the United States’ capabilities and protecting the national defense while simultaneously contributing to economic growth.

However, with active initiatives by US adversaries to gather sensitive information, there’s a growing need for enhanced security measures. Convergint partners with HID to provide cutting-edge solutions as part of a larger system to mitigate these threats.

Streamlining access control

  • Enhancing security with HID readers
    Convergint works with HID to deploy readers in aerospace and defense contractor facilities across the nation. One of the most prominent features of HID readers is their capability to read government-issued credentials, ensuring a secure and efficient access control system within contractor facilities. This not only enhances security but also allows government personnel to use their own cards for access, thereby streamlining access control and contributing to the overall safety of these vital facilities.

  • Identity management software for comprehensive access control
    Many customers rely on HID identity management software to manage enterprise access control for their employees and visitors. These platforms extend the capabilities of their Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) and offer an array of features that significantly enhance security:

    • Automated on/off-boarding
    • Visitor registration and access control
    • Insider threat identification
    • Compliance reporting simplified
  • Tailored card formats for seamless access integration
    HID provides the capability for customers to own a unique card format developed specifically for their organization. Card numbers are manufactured and tracked to ensure there are no duplicate cards. This platform is of great value to the customer in an industry where company acquisitions occur frequently. The newly acquired employees can easily utilize one badge to access their legacy facility and their new company’s facility in a frictionless manner with secure and unique badge numbers.

A global leader in systems integration

Convergint is a global systems integrator focused on delivering results for customers through unparalleled service excellence. Convergint offers last-mile delivery for emerging technology, backed by a 20-year commitment to its core value of service. To learn more about aerospace and defense solutions, contact Convergint’s team of aerospace and defense specialists today.