In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is more important than ever for organizations to ensure a safe working environment for all personnel. Convergint works with Software House to offer new and innovative solutions like the Temporary Clearance Filter to help get customers back to business while keeping them safe and secure in the post-COVID working environment. 

Temporary Clearance Filter

The Temporary Clearance filter from Software House can be used to prevent personnel from accessing most areas of a building until they have passed a health screening at a designated check-in location, while personnel who have been screened can gain access to their typical doors. This solution can help prevent the spread of any known contagion by reducing touchpoints and tracking location. When someone passes the screening and swipes their card at a designated reader, their clearance level increases and they gain access to doors normally allowed by their clearance. The clearance can be set to expire after a certain time, or when a person passes through an exit door. 

Benefits & Features of the Temporary Clearance Filter

  • Enforce health check screening protocols without any extra investment

  • Raise clearance level of cardholders once screened at specified  health check points

  • Allow only those who have been pre-screened to have access to most readers

  • Set multiple health check points on a campus for added convenience 

  • Automatically reset to previous clearance level after swiping at an exit door, or after a certain period of time

Create a Safer Working Environment with Software House

Implementing solutions to assist in the prevention of disease spread is an essential part of safely reopening the workplace. For more information on the new features and service packs that can be provided by Convergint in partnership with Software House, contact a Convergint expert today. 

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